Understanding Bio Sludge

How is bio sludge generated?

Bio sludge is generated primarily during the wastewater treatment process. When wastewater enters a treatment facility, it first undergoes a series of pretreatment steps, including screen filtration and sedimentation, to remove large solids and sediments. The wastewater is then sent to a biological treatment unit, also known as an activated sludge system.

In an activated sludge system, wastewater is mixed with sludge that is rich in microorganisms, such as bacteria and protozoa. These microorganisms are able to consume and break down the organic material in the wastewater, converting it into carbon dioxide, water and new microbial cells. During this process, the number of microorganisms increases rapidly and a large amount of activated sludge is formed.

Afterwards, the wastewater and sludge mixture is fed into a settling tank. In the settling tank, the sludge formed by the microorganisms will settle to the bottom of the tank due to its weight being greater than that of water, forming biological sludge. The upper layer of clear liquid (i.e. biologically treated wastewater) is then released for subsequent treatment and discharge.

settled bio sludge
settled bio sludge

A portion of the settled biological sludge is returned to the activated sludge system to maintain the microbial population, while the remainder requires further treatment and disposal, which is commonly referred to as “biological sludge”. After dewatering, stabilization and digestion, this sludge can be used for applications such as soil improvement, incineration for power generation, or safely disposed of in landfills.

Composition of bio sludge

The composition of bio sludge is very complex and consists of the following main components:

  • Microbial cells: this is the main component of biological sludge. During wastewater treatment, a large number of beneficial microorganisms consume organic substances and other pollutants in the wastewater to clean the water. When these microorganisms die, they form biological sludge.
  • Residual Organic Matter: This is the organic matter that is not completely decomposed during the wastewater treatment process, and may include a variety of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and so on.
  • Inorganic substances: biological sludge also contains various inorganic substances such as minerals and metal ions.
  • Moisture: biological sludge usually contains a significant amount of moisture, typically between 70% and 95% of its total volume.
  • Potential contaminants: these may include heavy metals, pathogens, antibiotics, etc., which are adsorbed by microorganisms during wastewater treatment.

Overall, bio sludge has a complex and diverse composition of beneficial microbial cells as well as incompletely treated organic matter and potential contaminants, making its treatment and utilization a task that requires specialized techniques and equipment.

Unique properties of bio sludge

  1. High moisture content: The moisture content of biological sludge is generally very high, usually between 70% and 95%, which makes it more difficult to handle and transport.
  2. Complex composition: The composition of bio sludge is complex, containing both beneficial microorganisms and a variety of incompletely decomposed organic matter, inorganic matter and potential pollutants.
  3. Microbial activity: As bio sludge contains a large number of microorganisms, these microorganisms can biodegrade under specific environment and conditions, and convert organic matter in sludge into harmless substances.
  4. Harmful substance content: Bio sludge may contain some potentially harmful substances, such as heavy metals, pathogens, antibiotics, etc., which require special management and treatment in the treatment process.
  5. Resource potential: Although bio sludge is a by-product of wastewater treatment, it contains a large amount of organic matter and trace elements, which makes it have some potential for resource recovery and reuse.
  6. Biological stability: The organic matter and microorganisms in biological sludge can achieve a certain stability after proper treatment (e.g. digestion, dewatering, drying), which is not easy to produce malodor and reduces its impact on the environment.
Pathogens in bio sludge
Pathogens in bio sludge

Therefore, the treatment and management of bio sludge requires a comprehensive consideration of these unique characteristics and the selection of appropriate treatment and utilization technologies.

Bio sludge generation and management

Processes leading to bio sludge production in wastewater treatment plants


Raw sewage first undergoes pre-treatment, such as grating and sand settling steps, to remove large solid impurities and sediments. KUOSI Multi Rake Bar Screen removes harmful inorganic solids from downstream equipment.The Externally Fed Rotary Drum Screen and Internally Fed Rotary Drum Screen provide effective fine screening of a wide variety of materials. Static screens are specifically designed to separate suspended solids from liquids.

Multi Rake Bar Screen product 01
Multi Rake Bar Screen product 01
internally fed rotary drum screen product 01
internally fed rotary drum screen product 01
externally fed rotary drum screen product 01
externally fed rotary drum screen product 01
static screen product 01
static screen product 01

Primary sedimentation

The pre-treated effluent enters a primary sedimentation tank, at which point the settled portion is referred to as primary sludge. Note, however, that bio sludge is mainly produced in the next stage of biological treatment.

Biological treatment

After primary sedimentation, the effluent enters a biological reactor (e.g. activated sludge system or MBR, etc.). In this stage, the organic matter in the effluent is absorbed and transformed by microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, etc.) that exist in communities called activated sludge. These microorganisms grow and multiply in the water, forming a large number of new cells, thus producing a large amount of bio sludge.

Secondary sedimentation

The biologically treated water enters the secondary sedimentation tank, where the activated sludge is settled down to form bio sludge. The settled water is further treated or directly discharged.

bio sludge sedimentation
bio sludge sedimentation

Sludge treatment

Bio sludge removed from the secondary settling tanks requires further treatment such as thickening, digestion, dewatering and final disposal (e.g. incineration, land application, etc.) in order to reduce its volume and burden and improve its stability for safe, efficient and economic disposal.

Different methods used to manage bio sludge

The management of bio sludge usually involves several major steps: sludge thickening, sludge stabilization, sludge dewatering and final disposal or resource use. Different sludge treatment methods have their own advantages and limitations.

Sludge thickening

Thickening is the partial removal of water from sludge by physical means (e.g. sedimentation or centrifugation), thereby increasing the solids content of the sludge and reducing the volume and cost of subsequent treatment and transportation.

Sludge stabilization

Stabilization usually refers to reducing the biological activity and/or harmfulness of the organic matter in the sludge so that it becomes more stable. The most common methods include aerobic and anaerobic digestion. In aerobic digestion, microorganisms oxidize organic matter to carbon dioxide and water through the supply of air or oxygen; in anaerobic digestion, microorganisms convert organic matter to methane and carbon dioxide in the absence of oxygen.

Sludge dewatering

Dewatering is the further removal of water from sludge either physically (e.g. Screw Press, Filter Press) or chemically (for example, flocculants are used, which are dosed through a polymer dosing system) to increase the solids content of the sludge and reduce the volume and cost of final disposal or resource utilization.

screw press product 02
screw press product 02
membrane filter press product 01
membrane filter press product 01

Final disposal or resource utilization

Disposal methods usually include landfill, incineration or composting. However, in recent years, with the promotion of the concept of environmental protection and sustainable development, more and more researches and practices are looking for ways to utilize sludge in a resourceful way, such as the extraction of biomass energy (e.g., biogas) and the preparation of organic fertilizers.

Bio sludge landfill
Bio sludge landfill

It is worth noting that different sludge treatment methods have different advantages and limitations in terms of treatment efficiency, energy consumption, environmental performance, and economy, etc. Therefore, the most suitable sludge treatment program should be selected comprehensively based on specific sludge characteristics, treatment objectives, and economic and environmental factors.

Challenges and problems in bio sludge management

Challenges in the management of bio sludge

  • Technical challenges: The treatment and disposal of bio sludge requires the use of a variety of technologies, including mechanical dewatering, thermal drying, composting and incineration. The operation and maintenance of these technologies require specialized knowledge and skills, and can be energy intensive. In addition, the development and application of new technologies, such as resource utilization of sludge, require technical challenges to be addressed.
  • Economic Challenges: Equipment and operating costs for bio sludge treatment and disposal can be very high. At the same time, there is no effective market for sludge treatment and disposal in many places, leading to difficulties in investment recovery.
  • Environmental challenges: Although bio sludge treatment and disposal can reduce the emission of pollutants, the treatment process itself may generate pollution. For example, incineration may produce toxic fly ash and gases; and the collection and utilization of biogas needs to address safety issues.
  • Regulatory challenges: In many countries and regions, regulations on the management and disposal of bio sludge, especially on resource utilization, are not yet perfect, which brings difficulties in practical operation.
  • Social acceptance: In some communities, there may be resistance to the construction and operation of bio sludge treatment facilities due to concerns about noise, odor, and possible risk of contamination from the treatment facilities.

Environmental and health problems associated with inappropriate treatment and disposal of bio sludge

Contamination of soil and groundwater

If bio sludge is dumped directly onto land without proper treatment, it may lead to contaminants such as heavy metals, organic pollutants, pathogenic microorganisms and other pollutants entering the soil and groundwater. This not only affects soil quality and crop growth, but may also pose a threat to human health through the food chain.

Impact on atmospheric quality

If bio sludge is directly incinerated without proper control, it may release large amounts of dioxins, heavy metals and other hazardous substances, posing impacts on atmospheric quality and public health. In addition, bio-sludge may generate bad odors during treatment and storage, affecting the living environment.

Spreading diseases

Bio sludge may contain various pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and parasites. If it is used or disposed of directly without thorough disinfection, it may lead to the spread of diseases through direct contact, airborne and insect vector.

Pollution of water bodies

If bio sludge is directly discharged into water bodies without proper treatment, it will not only affect water quality, but may also cause nutrient overload, leading to water bloom, cyanobacterial toxins and other water environment problems.

Current technologies and methods for bio sludge treatment

Recent developments and advances in the field

New digestion technology

Conventional anaerobic digestion techniques can convert organic matter in sludge into energy, but the digestion efficiency is not high and a large amount of digestion residue is generated. To solve these problems, researchers are developing new digestion technologies, such as hot water hydrolysis and supercritical water gasification, to improve the conversion rate of organic substances and reduce the generation of digestion residues.

Sludge resource utilization

More and more research is focusing on how to convert sludge into valuable products, such as biofertilizers, soil conditioners, bioplastics, and biochar. These technologies can not only reduce the cost of sludge treatment and disposal, but also provide new resources for the society.

Microbial electrochemical technology

This is an emerging sludge treatment technology that utilizes microorganisms to decompose organic matter in an anaerobic environment while generating electrical currents. This technology can treat sludge and generate electricity at the same time, and has great potential for development.

Green disposal of bio sludge

For example, the development of environmentally friendly incineration technology to reduce the emission of harmful gases, or the development of soil improvement and utilization technology for sludge, which can be used in agriculture as a fertilizer or soil conditioner, while ensuring that it is safe for human beings and the environment.

Digital and intelligent sludge treatment

With the help of modern information technology such as Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence, etc., the sludge treatment process can be intelligently managed and controlled to improve the treatment efficiency and reduce the operation cost.


Effective management of bio sludge is critical to maintaining environmental health and public health. It leads to sustainable urban development and economic benefits through pollution reduction, resource recovery and environmental stress reduction.

KUOSI, the preferred choice for water treatment equipment. Our extensive product line includes filter presses, screw presses, paddle dryers, dissolved air flotation systems, rotary drum filters, bar screens, screw conveyors, roots blowers, dosing systems, ozone generators, sodium hypochlorite generators and more. Choose KUOSI for comprehensive solutions to your water treatment needs. Feel free to contact us anytime.